When a painting of the series Faces of Rape is sold, half of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to an organisation the buyer has chosen. Four women of the portrayed Faces of Rape have founded organisations which fight against sexual violence. These are the Military Rape Crisis Center (FoR I, www.militaryrapecrisiscenter.org), Mukhtar Mai Women’s Organisation (FoR II, www.mukhtarmai.org), Nadia’s Initiative (FoR XIII, www.nadiasinitiative.org) and Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation (FoR XI & XXII, www.mukwegefoundation.org). The buyer can choose one of these four organisations but it’s also possible to donate to a research project of the Centrum Seksueel Geweld in The Netherlands, named Early EMDR (www.centrumseksueelgeweld.nl, www.earlyemdr.nl). All donations will be made public in this blog.
SOLD: Faces of Rape XXIV, N., MMR, acryl on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, 2018. Half of the proceeds of the sale has been donated to Nadia’s Initiative (630 euro). March 27, 2020
SOLD: Faces of Rape XVII, Pearl Mali, ZAF, acryl on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2017. Half of the proceeds of the sale has been donated to the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation (540 euro). February 4, 2020
SOLD: Faces of Rape X, Rachel Uwiduhaye, CGO, acryl on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2015. Half of the proceeds of the sale has been donated to the Mukhtar Mai Women’s Organisation (540 euro). February 1, 2020