FBVG presented Faces of Rape, the Exhibition. Everybody was welcome on 25 and 26 January 2020, in Bagagehal Loods 6, KNSM-laan 143, Amsterdam. Opening was on Saturday 25, 14:30, by Joyce Roodnat, cultural commentator and editor NRC. In October 2017 she described her #meToo experiences in this newspaper. Gregorian choir Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus brought some songs from the cd The Martyred Virgins, their ode to female victims of (sexual) violence from 2012. Rina van Maanen recited some texts from the cd. In this weekend 3 paintings were sold.
This image was in use as invitation, flyer and poster.
Faces of Rape, the Exhibition in the Bagagehal Loods 6.
Faces of Rape XX
Faces of Rape XXIII
Faces of Rape XXIV
Faces of Rape XXXVII
Gregorian choir Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus
The visitors reading the stories of the portrayed women in the catalogue
The start of the singing
Walking past Faces of Rape XXXIV
The choir singing
Talk by FBVG explaining the project Faces of Rape
Talk by FBVG
Official opening, talk by Joyce Roodnat
Talk by Joyce Roodnat
Talk by Joyce Roodnat
Rina van Maanen reciting the text The men who killed me. Rwandan survivors of sexual violence (Anne-Marie de Brouwer & Sandra Ka Hon Chu)
Rina van Manen reciting Forgive us our trespasses (Marthe Link)
Faces of Rape I-III
Faces of Rape IV-VII
Faces of Rape IV-VII
Faces of Rape VIII-XI
Faces of Rape VIII-XI
Faces of Rape XII-XVI
Faces of Rape XII-XV
Faces of Rape XVI-XIX
Faces of Rape XVI-XIX
Faces of Rape XX-XXIII
Faces of Rape XXIV-XXVII
Faces of Rape XXVIII-XXXI
Faces of Rape XXXIII-XXXVI
Faces of Rape XXXVII
FBVG and a visitor, on the background Faces of Rape XXXVIII, Sohaila Abdulali and her book What We Talk about When We Talk About Rape (Waar we over praten als we over verkrachting praten)
SOLD: Faces of Rape X, Rachel Uwiduhaye, CGO, acryl on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2015. Half of the proceeds from the sale has been donated to the Muhktar Mai Women’s Organisation (540 euro).
SOLD: Faces of Rape XVII, Pearl Mali, ZAF, acryl on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2017. Half of the proceeds from the sale has been donated to the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation (540 euro).
SOLD: Faces of Rape XXIV, N., MMR, acryl on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, 2018.